Through LinkingMinds, my partners and I offer coaching and advice for the new work-world. For an environment that demands more cooperation, collaboration and a we-culture. We open new we-rooms for you: through individual- and group coaching, team workshops, leadership journeys und “Zukunftssparring”in the form of keynotes, inputs or as interactive experiences.

The work-world demands that organizations be agile and adaptive; employees responsible, autonomous, flexible and enterprising. However, this is not yet a reality across the board. On the way to a culture of personal responsibility, we must simultaneously train for autonomy on the one hand and the ability to relate, exchange, and collaborate on the other. In short, more “we-competence” is needed in both classic and agile contexts.

As a first step in the coaching process I often support the development of self-leadership. The goal: to enable organic transformation instead of pushing limitless self-optimization. Only this allows you to develop inner stability and good external alignment; especially if you are also responsible for others in your leadership or coordination role.

When working with teams common goals require a synchronization of existing perspectives, constructive dialogue and intelligent feedback loops. The focus is therefore on the “we”, strengthening conflict resolution skills and ambiguity-tolerance..

“Future-Sparring” is about developing common images for the upcoming changes and gaining creative leeway. To do this, we analyze the big waves of change and develop your sustainability.

More to read about the “We”:
MindBlog: Patterns of a new We-Society



The future needs images. Attractive images that generate enthusiasm and encourage the exchange of ideas. About what is likely, about what is possible – and about what we want. As a futurologist and change facilitator, I challenge companies, departments and teams with inputs, short workshops and dialogues to deal with their future in a playful and creative way. As a keynote speaker and panel expert on the subject of new work and we-culture, I deliver exciting impulses to your event and inspire your audience.

It is not about postulating trends and following predefined paths. Instead, I invite you to explore various possible futures, to prepare for what is already possible today. Only after this will you decide which impulses to actively pursue and what to do with them; a journey on which I am happy to accompany you through “Zukunftssparring”, even on an enduring basis.

  • Typical Keynote Themes #1

    Agile Business: Why we need to develop a more "we" culture to make a real difference.

  • Typical Keynote Themes #2

    Leadership reloaded: What leadership means in the future.

  • Typical Keynote Themes #3

    Future Fitness: New future competencies for employees - and how this changes learning.

  • Typical Keynote Themes #4

    Collaboration and Cooperation: Good collaboration needs autonomy.

For any requests: Please contact directly. Also listed at Zukunftsinstitut and Athenas as a speaker.

For whom.

Whether it’s a lecture, panel discussion, interactive finger exercise, or short workshop; every fruitful discussion needs external impulses. As an inspirer or “professional disruptor”, I provide your thinking in the context of a company, individual organizational unit, or work with your customers with new impulses and accompany you on the next step.


The working world is changing. For some, that means finally having more personal responsibility, more freedom of choice, and more options. They want to free themselves from restrictive structures and processes to rethink and become more agile. Meanwhile others are overwhelmed by too much freedom, leading to a sense of disorientation. Managers in particular have to ask themselves: How do I navigate myself and my team through this challenge? How do I deal with internal and external uncertainties? And how do I develop a new mindset? A coaching gives you space, encourages reflection, and closely examines both internal and external conflicts.

As a coach, I offer you space for structured self-reflection in the agile world through a clear view, lots of experience, and a sense of reality and empathy. I will help you rediscover your inner “navigation system” and to take the next steps. As a sparring partner and clarification assistant, I support you in getting out of stagnation and into a flow state; out of mental overload and into a zone of strength and calm. With the help of professional interventions and even occasional provocations, your view of yourself and the world can change, enabling you to make decisions and act. In addition to this, you will develop a future-facing skillset that we all need: self-management and self-control beyond efficiency-driven “me”-optimization.

In addition to individual coaching, I also offer in-house group coachings and formats for peer counseling or “wise crowds”. Here I specifically use the strength and energy of the group, staying true to the “LinkingMinds” motto.



  • Typical Coaching-Topics #1

    What does leadership mean to me? Dealing with the leadership role. Also for POs and Scrum Master.

  • Typical Coaching-Topics #2

    Why is this happening to me? Conflicts as fuel for personal development.

  • Typical Coaching-Topics #3

    What do I really want? Personal position-fixing - and the question of meaning.

  • Typical Coaching-Topics #3

    How do I show myself? Develop your profile - even under stress.

For whom.

Whether I am working with an agency, bank, department head, managing director, creative director, or project manager; I bring more than 20 years of experience from a wide variety of industries. However, I find that the “inner fit” is more important than industry or rank. If you are ready to take the next step, open yourself to new things, and develop personally and/or in the role of a manager, you’ve come to the right place.


We accompany transitioning teams and groups with short “check-ins”, retros, but also longer-term team developments and series of workshops and leadership journeys. Whether agile or not: It is important to sharpen technical objectives, to regain a common direction, to deal with possible conflicts, and to improve the ability to communicate. The goal: to moderate the team’s intelligence in such a way that employees really connect to work on common solutions, in other words: “LinkingMinds”.

Dual chairmanships, management teams, steering bodies, project teams, agile teams, whether Scrum, Lean, or teams in a normal hierarchy- wherever cooperation could work even better, I ensure more interconnection and understanding.

  • Typical Topics #1

    Team Future: Our place and identity in the organization.

  • Typical Topics #2

    Interface optimization: Integrated work with the customer at the center.

  • Typical Topics #3

    Feedback Circles: New power for cooperation.

  • Typical Topics #4

    Conflict resolution: Turning tension into thrust.

Clients & Partners

LinkingMinds would be nothing without a strong network. I work together with my partners on many levels:

Future and trend research:
Keynote-Speaker & part of the network of experts at the Zukunftsinstitut; there I offer keynotes and workshops on New Work, We-Culture, (Self) Leadership, and Female Leadership.

Author for the German Zukunftsinstitut with publications on the new we-culture and leadership. Cooperation with Christiane Friedemann from Zukunftinstitut-Workshop GmbH.

Organizational development, consulting, and coaching – my network of colleagues:
Berlin/USA: Petra Andres, get up & go
Frankfurt: Nina Nisar
Dr. Julia Kropf (Moderation, Dialogue Design)
München: Irene Limbasan



  • Clients since 2014

    Alnatura, Darmstadt
    Caritas Verband, Freiburg
    GLS-Bank, Bochum
    Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Frankfurt
    KfW Bankengruppe, Frankfurt
    KfW Ipex-Bank GmbH, Frankfurt
    nextpractice GmbH, Bremen
    RKW Kompetenzzentrum, Frankfurt
    Scholz&Volkmer, Wiesbaden
    Syzygy, Frankfurt
    WBS Training, Berlin
    and many more for Zukunftsinstitut/Future Day Network

    until 2014 Akademie des Deutschen Buchhandels, München / Bertelsmann Stiftung, Gütersloh / Burg Giebichenstein, Hochschule für Kunst und Design, Halle / BBDO Germany, Düsseldorf / Common Purpose, Leipzig-Halle / Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt / Deutsche Fachpresse, Frankfurt / Deutsche Telekom, Bonn / European Women Management International Network (EWMD), Frankfurt / Kiefer Cross Media, Frankfurt / People Interactive, Köln / Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart / Robert & Horst, München / Saatchi & Saatchi, Frankfurt / SKP AG, Ahrensburg / Syzygy, Frankfurt / The People Business, Frankfurt / Walter Fries Firmengruppe, Aschaffenburg / Werner Kneer Beratung, Thun, Schweiz / WISAG, Frankfurt


Quotations (Sorry, all original sources German only)

„Corporate culture attracts the highly qualified“, 2018

“Digitization brings greater interconnectedness and therefore fundamentally changes the rules of our economy. We are not limited to recreating existing processes using new technologies, but can create new business models – and thus a completely new system logic. As uniformity gives way to diversity and complexity in a digital future we must learn to deal with uncertainty. Of course, this also requires a new culture – one of openness, collaboration, flexibility, and adaptability.”

„Conquer new spaces “

Polis - Magazin für Urban Development, 2016

“Work in the collaborative economy takes place in a challenging environment of efficiency and innovation. This divides the job market: while companies are desperately looking for suitable talent with network skills for creative core tasks, employees with “standard skills” become increasingly interchangeable and part of a faceless “human cloud”. Nobody really knows how many people this will affect in the future. It is difficult to assess to what extent humans will be crowded out by algorithms.”

„A trend towards a we-culture?“

Deutsche Welle, 2015

The complexity of the world in which we move demands that we find other forms of organization”: short report by Deutsche Welle.

„Work is everywhere - where are we?“

Xing Spielraum, Oktober 2015

“Highly creative and innovative people are increasingly courted by companies and integrated into these companies’ relationship networks. Experts …, on the other hand, are increasingly organizing themselves in professional networks. … The “human cloud” remains and has little market/lobbying power as it competes for individual gigs, often digitally mediated via special platforms. Those who work in this way have little chance to experience a sense of security and belonging. Education and “advancement” are not necessarily a solution here. Rather, it is about integration and connection to social systems, to “hubs”, which offer more than pure employment agencies or job platforms can.

For the future, we therefore need ideas and experiments for the construction of new “homes” on the job market, through which we can take root and with which we can to some extent identify; at all qualification levels. That could bring not only individual relief but also social stability. We urgently need it. “

„The New We“

Immowelt Magazin #9, 2015

“A look at the economy in 2015 shows that we are playing by new rules, not only in private, but also in business. Everywhere, new types of associations, cooperations and innovative networks appear seemingly out of nowhere. Collaboration and exchange seem to be developing into the currency for a new way of doing business. For an economy in which network-based action increases in value and the word ´We´ takes on a new meaning. “

„Wanted: Corporate Culture 4.0 “

Trendupdate 8/2015

“Despite good will, the openness to new ideas and experiences is not always as great as desired. Lurking beneath the surface there are often subtle but powerful obstacles and loads of resistance. And that’s understandable because it’s human. There is still a lot of work to be done in order to achieve a corporate culture 4.0 in which each individual is open to new ideas, capable of networking and works with maximum transparency in communication. Just as no developer performs a super upgrade from version 1.0 to 4.0, people also need time to realign their worldview, carefully gather their own networking experiences, evaluate them, and open up. This is a gradual process and needs support.”

„Das neue Wir-Gefühl“

Petra, August 2015

“The new ‘We” does not arise automatically. We have to develop an idea of ​​how we would like to live, work and live together. This is work. But therein lies an exciting field of development for all of us. “

„We culture“, 20. März 2015

“In a networked world, many companies are under pressure to process high levels of complexity and have to be very agile. For management, this means that the days of superheroes who can keep an eye on everything, provide orientation and serve as a beacon in the company are over. Today we need more “we”, more collaboration, open forums, dialogue formats, in order to jointly find adequate answers to the complexity outside. It’s about creating more variability inside, more variety of reactions for the challenges outside. A lot is happening at the moment, so that the rigid structures in companies are already softening and expanding in many places.”

„The new we-feeling“

Kurier, 1. März 2015

“In the future, managers will have to redefine their own roles. They will no longer be the heroes at the top who know where the world and the market are headed; no individual can have a sufficiently broad and deep understanding anymore. They have to become moderators and facilitators, bringing together the intelligence of their employees. You will be responsible for ensuring that your employees use their skills in the best possible way, across departmental boundaries. Then ideally you no longer have subordinates, but followers. People who trust and therefore follow you. “

„Business Networking 3.0“

Personalführung/DGFP 11.2014

“Networking in a VUCA world needs to look different than in a plannable one – less targeted, more open and giving lucky accidents a chance. Instead of building relationships in a purely strategic and controlled manner, in the future we will have to spread our contacts more widely and also integrate people from completely different functions and industries into our network. “


Organisationen der Zukunft: Warum wir mehr Wir-Kultur brauchen,
in Geramanis/Hutmacher (Hg.): Identität in der modernen Arbeitswelt
Next Germany – Aufbruch in die Wir-Gesellschaft,
HR 2030: Karrierebegleiter und Kulturentwickler gesucht,
mit und für von Rundstedt und Partner

Gemeinsam arbeiten: Neue Räume für die urbane Co-Kultur
mit Stefan Bergheim für die randstad Stiftung
Die neue Wir-Kultur – Wie Gemeinschaft zum treibenden Faktor
einer künftigen Wirtschaft wird, Zukunftsinstitut
Good Marketing – 8 Vertrauensstrategien, Zukunftsinstitut
Unternehmensführung 2030 – Innovatives Management für morgen, Zukunftsinstitut Auftragsstudie für Signium International
Sie bewegt sich doch – Neue Chancen und Spielregeln für die Arbeitswelt von morgen,
mit Imke Keicher, Orell Fuessli Verlag

Creative Work, Zukunftsinstitut
Female Forces, Zukunftsinstitut
High Trust – Die Zukunft der Beratung, Zukunftsinstitut

Kirsten Brühl

2014  Linking Minds

2002 – 2013 Change Facilitation

2000 – 2001 Classsic Consultation in St. Gallen

1998 – 2000 New Media Consultant

1994 – 1997 Start up in the New Economy

1991 – 1993 Business Editor

since 2014: Linking Minds. A new title, a more holistic perspective. My goal: to actively support the transformation of the world of work. Because agile companies, fluid processes and growing zones of uncertainty are increasingly challenging us. To do this, we need stronger relationship and collaboration skills, more tolerance of ambiguity, the ability to self-reflect and deal with ourselves, our teams, partners, customers and suppliers, and consistent images of the future.

2002 – 2013 Change Facilitation. Working independently as a business coach and consultant as well as author and keynote speaker for the Zukunftsinstut Frankfurt / Vienna. The focus: The future of the world of work and female forces; the future of women. Change supported in many roles, but always with the same goal – to support people in such a way that change can be experienced as an opportunity and potential for their own development.

2001 Classsic Consultation in St. Gallen. Organizational development and coaching for the traditional corporate world. As a consultant, I carried out management training, in-house workshops, team development and individual coaching and learned more about the often deeply rooted thought and action patterns of classic companies.

1998-2000 New Media Consultant. Shaping the world of new media. Project sparring with companies, advising new media service providers on setting up their structures, coaching companies and prospective managers, designing and implementing advanced training curricula and seminars for new educational institutions. A lot of “cultural work”. Because interactive communication requires an attitude of openness, transparency and self-organization – a “digital mindset”.

1994-1997 Start-up in the New Economy. Pioneering work as a consultant and concept developer, helped set up Kabel New Media, one of the first e-consulting agencies in Germany. And helped to make the Internet socially acceptable in Germany and to move companies towards interactive dialogue.

1991-1993 Business editor. Reality check. Listing, observing, asking questions, analyzing – and getting to the point. As a journalist at Deutscher Fachverlag, she reported on a wide variety of corporate worlds. Proved a sense for the potential of the future and developed the “New Media”.

1984-1990 Economist. The “big picture” is illuminated. Studied economics and social sciences in Frankfurt (Goethe University) and Stockholm (International Graduate School), questioned the homo oeconomicus, researched labor market and social policy in Sweden and won an idea of ​​the economy’s big picture.

Further training.

2021 Year-long training in Compassionate Inquiry (Trauma) bei Gabor Maté, Kanada.
2020 Warm Data Lab Host at Nora Bateson/Bateson Institute
2020 101 Sensemaking at Rebel Wisdom.
2019 Certified Agile Consultant at Maiconsulting.
2011 Neuroimagination Coach at Brainjoin Germany.
2005 -2024 Coach, Supervision and Training at Hephaistos, Munich
1998 Training in process moderation with Arnold and Amy Mindell and Max Schupbach, in systemic structure constellation with Mathias Varga von Kibed and Insa Sparrer and in value management (spiral dynamics) at Core Commit. Further training in constellation work at the Bert Hellinger Institute, Tel Aviv, and Dietrich Weth, Frankfurt.

10 years of martial arts and 17 years of meditation experience.