
Quotations (Sorry, all original sources German only)

„Corporate culture attracts the highly qualified“, 2018

“Digitization brings greater interconnectedness and therefore fundamentally changes the rules of our economy. We are not limited to recreating existing processes using new technologies, but can create new business models – and thus a completely new system logic. As uniformity gives way to diversity and complexity in a digital future we must learn to deal with uncertainty. Of course, this also requires a new culture – one of openness, collaboration, flexibility, and adaptability.”

„Conquer new spaces “

Polis - Magazin für Urban Development, 2016

“Work in the collaborative economy takes place in a challenging environment of efficiency and innovation. This divides the job market: while companies are desperately looking for suitable talent with network skills for creative core tasks, employees with “standard skills” become increasingly interchangeable and part of a faceless “human cloud”. Nobody really knows how many people this will affect in the future. It is difficult to assess to what extent humans will be crowded out by algorithms.”

„A trend towards a we-culture?“

Deutsche Welle, 2015

The complexity of the world in which we move demands that we find other forms of organization”: short report by Deutsche Welle.

„Work is everywhere - where are we?“

Xing Spielraum, Oktober 2015

“Highly creative and innovative people are increasingly courted by companies and integrated into these companies’ relationship networks. Experts …, on the other hand, are increasingly organizing themselves in professional networks. … The “human cloud” remains and has little market/lobbying power as it competes for individual gigs, often digitally mediated via special platforms. Those who work in this way have little chance to experience a sense of security and belonging. Education and “advancement” are not necessarily a solution here. Rather, it is about integration and connection to social systems, to “hubs”, which offer more than pure employment agencies or job platforms can.

For the future, we therefore need ideas and experiments for the construction of new “homes” on the job market, through which we can take root and with which we can to some extent identify; at all qualification levels. That could bring not only individual relief but also social stability. We urgently need it. “

„The New We“

Immowelt Magazin #9, 2015

“A look at the economy in 2015 shows that we are playing by new rules, not only in private, but also in business. Everywhere, new types of associations, cooperations and innovative networks appear seemingly out of nowhere. Collaboration and exchange seem to be developing into the currency for a new way of doing business. For an economy in which network-based action increases in value and the word ´We´ takes on a new meaning. “

„Wanted: Corporate Culture 4.0 “

Trendupdate 8/2015

“Despite good will, the openness to new ideas and experiences is not always as great as desired. Lurking beneath the surface there are often subtle but powerful obstacles and loads of resistance. And that’s understandable because it’s human. There is still a lot of work to be done in order to achieve a corporate culture 4.0 in which each individual is open to new ideas, capable of networking and works with maximum transparency in communication. Just as no developer performs a super upgrade from version 1.0 to 4.0, people also need time to realign their worldview, carefully gather their own networking experiences, evaluate them, and open up. This is a gradual process and needs support.”

„Das neue Wir-Gefühl“

Petra, August 2015

“The new ‘We” does not arise automatically. We have to develop an idea of ​​how we would like to live, work and live together. This is work. But therein lies an exciting field of development for all of us. “

„We culture“, 20. März 2015

“In a networked world, many companies are under pressure to process high levels of complexity and have to be very agile. For management, this means that the days of superheroes who can keep an eye on everything, provide orientation and serve as a beacon in the company are over. Today we need more “we”, more collaboration, open forums, dialogue formats, in order to jointly find adequate answers to the complexity outside. It’s about creating more variability inside, more variety of reactions for the challenges outside. A lot is happening at the moment, so that the rigid structures in companies are already softening and expanding in many places.”

„The new we-feeling“

Kurier, 1. März 2015

“In the future, managers will have to redefine their own roles. They will no longer be the heroes at the top who know where the world and the market are headed; no individual can have a sufficiently broad and deep understanding anymore. They have to become moderators and facilitators, bringing together the intelligence of their employees. You will be responsible for ensuring that your employees use their skills in the best possible way, across departmental boundaries. Then ideally you no longer have subordinates, but followers. People who trust and therefore follow you. “

„Business Networking 3.0“

Personalführung/DGFP 11.2014

“Networking in a VUCA world needs to look different than in a plannable one – less targeted, more open and giving lucky accidents a chance. Instead of building relationships in a purely strategic and controlled manner, in the future we will have to spread our contacts more widely and also integrate people from completely different functions and industries into our network. “


Organisationen der Zukunft: Warum wir mehr Wir-Kultur brauchen,
in Geramanis/Hutmacher (Hg.): Identität in der modernen Arbeitswelt
Next Germany – Aufbruch in die Wir-Gesellschaft,
HR 2030: Karrierebegleiter und Kulturentwickler gesucht,
mit und für von Rundstedt und Partner

Gemeinsam arbeiten: Neue Räume für die urbane Co-Kultur
mit Stefan Bergheim für die randstad Stiftung
Die neue Wir-Kultur – Wie Gemeinschaft zum treibenden Faktor
einer künftigen Wirtschaft wird, Zukunftsinstitut
Good Marketing – 8 Vertrauensstrategien, Zukunftsinstitut
Unternehmensführung 2030 – Innovatives Management für morgen, Zukunftsinstitut Auftragsstudie für Signium International
Sie bewegt sich doch – Neue Chancen und Spielregeln für die Arbeitswelt von morgen,
mit Imke Keicher, Orell Fuessli Verlag

Creative Work, Zukunftsinstitut
Female Forces, Zukunftsinstitut
High Trust – Die Zukunft der Beratung, Zukunftsinstitut